Posts published by: mrunge

Caching in Horizon with Redis

Redis is a in-memory data structure store, which can be used as cache and session backend.

I thought to give it a try for Horizon. Installation is quite simple, either pip install django-redis or dnf --enablerepo=rawhide install python-django-redis.

Then change openstack_dashboard/local/ aka. /etc/openstack-dashboard …

OpenStack Summit Tokyo

Over the past week, I attended the OpenStack Summit in Tokyo.

My primary focus was on Horizon sessions. Nevertheless, I was lucky to have one or two glimpses at more touristic spots in Tokyo.

temple in the area


The first work session for Horizon started on Wednesday with plugins. Previously, there has been …

Pelican version 3.6

Today, I updated pelican to version 3.6 and also added a python 3 subpackage. You can test it in Fedora 22 by using

dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing install python3-pelican

If you're already using pelican,

dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing update python-pelican

Please leave feedback

Upgrading from previous release might require a change …

Fedora 22 will contain Django-1.8

One of the new features in upcoming Fedora 22 will be Django-1.8. Django project released its most recent version earlier this month, and it's going to be a long term supported version after Django-1.4 became a bit ancient nowadays. Fedora had release 1.6 in which is now …

Testing Horizon git snapshots

Testing horizon git checkouts

One of the cool things in Horizon is, one can easily try newest things out. This assumes, you already have an OpenStack installation available somewhere.

If you haven't already installed git:

yum install git

To clone horizons upstream git repository, run the command

git clone https …

Fedora packaging workshop

This part assumes, you already have the tools installed like described in earlier part.

Using a tool to create a spec

As first example, we'll use a tool to create a spec file, download the sources.

cd ~/rpmbuild
pyp2rpm -n bleach > SPECS/python-bleach.spec

What this actually does is …

Fedora packaging workshop

On 17th and 18th this month, we'll have a local Linux conference here. As part of this, I'll give a short introductory workshop on packaging. The following series of posts helps me, to sort things for me and to provide a short reference for others and myself as well.

Prerequisites …

Truncating log files

Depending on your settings, OpenStack Dashboard produces lots of log output. Fortunately there is already a tool in place, which cleans them up for you. Looking at /var/log/httpd/ you'll probably notice files like access_log-(date).gz. They were generated by logrotate by compressing existent logs.

To use …